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Updated: Jun 12, 2021


For the epidemic prevention need, Rebolt team pulltest work stop from 5∕20

根據東北角國家風景區管理處通知,5 / 20 日起封閉多項經管地點,包含龍洞南口海洋公園暨遊艇港以及龍洞灣潛水服務區(更正:此區域為龍洞灣海洋公園附近一帶),雖此宣告未含龍洞攀岩區域,但為配合防疫需要,Rebolt team 拉測工作暫停執行。


  1. 外出應全程戴口罩

  2. 避免不必要移動、活動或集會 (攀岩即非必要活動之一)

  3. 停止室內五人、室外十人以上的家庭聚會 (同住者不計) 和社交聚會


According to Northeast Coast National Scenic Area announcement of epidemic prevention, multiple official managed spots would be closed from 5 / 20 which include in Longdong South Port Ocean Park and Yacht Harbor, and Longdong Bay Diving Service Area. This announcement doesn’t mention Longdong rock climbing area, but for the epidemic prevention need, Rebolt team would stop our regular pulltest work in this period.

And also please comply with the Taiwan national epidemic Level 3 warning:

  1. Wear masks at all times when venturing out.

  2. Prevent from non-essential transport, activities and gathering (Including rock climbing)

  3. Indoor gatherings limited to five people; Outdoor gathering limited to ten people.



Announcement on Epidemic Prevention in Recreation Areas and Visitor Centers


1. 歡迎有任何傳攀 anchor或天然固定點的資訊皆可主動回報。

2. Pulltester拉測小組還需要數位長期志工,歡迎有興趣且熟悉龍洞的人一起來努力!

3. 資料的更新不容易百分之百正確,若有資料漏失的地方請通知我們。


Climbio 龍洞攀岩資料庫

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